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Deepli has you covered with the industry's best warranty:

We are excited to now offer a Buyer's Warranty- FREE!

What's better than a good inspection report that gives you confidence in your new home? Why, a Warranty to back it up, of course!

We're not going to sit here and tell you that we're the best in the business, blah, blah, blah- We're going to PROVE it! Now with every buyer's inspection, we include a warranty- FREE!

  • Appliances were old, but functioning when inspected, then quit?  COVERED!

  • A/C unit functioned okay for inspection, but now won't come on?  COVERED!   

  • It's the middle of winter, and the furnace quit working?  COVERED!

  • No roof leaks were observed- until after you moved in?  ALSO COVERED!

Our insurance partner offers two tiers of home warranty.  Deepli being the top-quality outfit that we are, we give you the better one (Pro version). Consider it our house-warming gift. We just really want you to be happy in your new home! (We put a link to the terms at the bottom of the page, so you know where to find it, if you ever need it).

The best guarantee in the home inspection industry

Deepli also partners with InterNACHI® to bring you the Buy-Back Guarantee. The way this works is this: If your participating inspector (Deepli) misses a major defect on an inspection, and you only find it after closing- InterNACHI® will buy the home back from you at the price you paid. We don’t know of anyone, in any industry, that offers a guarantee like that! It’s something that we pay for, on your behalf- because we want to do everything possible to make sure you are happy with our services. Sound too good to be true? You can learn more about the program here:

Here's a downloadable pdf on the home buyer's warranty program:


And a link to submit a claim under the warranty program:

So, what are you waiting for?

Contact us now, so we can schedule your inspection. You won't find a better deal than ours, so why keep looking?
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